Sunday, July 7, 2013

Photo Dump - Weekend Trips

So, we go to Walmart when we go out of town. Aren't we fun. :)

We don't only go to Walmart... I promise we visit family, too! This time we headed to Ryan's hometown. It is small and quaint. Wish I took more photos. Maybe next time...

I snapped some shots while visiting. There was a big storm rolling in, so the sky looked amazing. And I am always a sucker for plants. 

We later went to visit some more relatives. They currently live in England and made the trip over. We were able to see them for a bit. It was great because they brought over their little one! He is adorable!!

For the last leg of the trip, we saw Ry's parents and uncle. It was a short visit, but a fun one.

We are looking forward to more visits soon!!!

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