Sunday, September 16, 2012

Last Day at UO

My last day (and week) at UO was very emotional for me. I have lots of great memories and experiences that I will remember forever. These photos were snapped on my last day. Thank you to everyone I ever met at UO for being simply the best!

The last drive to work... One good thing, no more tolls in the Keys.

My last parade. This was a fun experience and great memory! I put in lots of hours helping our team get started on this new venture. Everything has worked wonderfully! I will always remember this parade! I hope it continues for a long time!

They threw me a surprise going away party. The shells live on my window sill at home and the hat is awaiting its maiden voyage to a sand bar. :)

Some of the best colleagues ever!!!

I will miss you forever, Jes! Can't wait until you visit!

This team is amazing! Wish I was able to get EVERYONE in one shot!

My first and last RTU... It was a great time!

I meant every word!

And what do you do when you are unemployed? Have a drink, silly!

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